Sunday, May 3, 2009

:: Zhia's Kitchen Restaurant @ Sunway Pyramid ::

After a tiring yet excited yet horrible roller-coaster day in Sunway Lagoon on Labour day. On our foot-journey back to Sunway Pyramid, Chin Wen notice this board and insist to have our dinner here =.='''
Flip over the menu they place at the front door, it surprise me that the price here is just moderate. Nothing special.. just another Kim Gary (in fact, it located just beside Kim Gary), Wong Kok etc.
But 'we make it special' by ordering the dishes 'our own way' *you'll know what I mean when you pay a visit here and won't see what we ordered in the menu.. lol*
Ops.. this post is w/out name and price as I didn't have the receipt.

Dont know what grape sparkling juice. RM4.50

Lychee juice.. just when I need it. Sweet and refreshing after a sunny day ^^ RM3

Barley with .. 'pak ko'.. I dont know what is 'pak ko' .. lol.. RM2.80

Ginger chicken *something like that*

FAT pork with Yam.. *lol.. my edition of name :p*

Sizzling tofu.

Greenies.. vegie lo. Dono what vegie also.. lol..

Spicy chicken RM12.. very spicy for me =.='''


dodo loves sparkling juice said...

Yor~ Let me tell you. That greenies = hong kong choy sam~
pak ko = ginko~~
I love the grape sparkling juice, the round thing oozing out sour juice, so nice.
At least this time you got 'something special' than the others. LOL

**Pei Yin** said...

Ahahaha.. paiseh neh. I dont remember vegie.. :p
Pak ko isnt ginkgo eh..
ya.. the round thing is nice. but i still dont agree that is a grape =.=
hmm.. what's the special?

dodo loves pak guo said...

special cause no one else will get what we had, unless they have that special friend like we have. whuahahahaha~~
Oh, and i'm quite sure pak guo is ginko. Having that as new year tradition dessert every year. And sometimes eating the tablets ginko...

**Pei Yin** said...

Lol.. OK. I must agree with that. Hey.. let's plan another one :p

I am quite sure pak guo isnt ginkgo eh. Ginkgo is like so expensive and pak guo can be buy everywhere! Er.. or is it ginkgo is the leaves? Coz when I do my 'product', ginkgo is actually the extract of leaves part.

And .. cautious while taking ginkgo esp when you have bleeding.