Sunday, May 6, 2012

Finally, one off the checklist :)

Ops! Sorry for the blur picture.
Revealing things that had been keeping me busy during weekends lately.
Oh yes, finally I'm so called graduated from my baking course. I'm so glad that I somehow manage to fully committed my time, having full attendance for this course. I enjoyed it, a lot. Although frankly, in the middle of the course, I did felt dreadful and tired and felt like skipping classes, but everytime this feeling starts to eat me up, I will flip back my 2012 resolution notes and keep myself going no matter how tired and reluctant I felt :)
Finishing the course is one thing. Practice and mastering it is another thing. I have 6 more months to go. Ganbatte kudasai!


Vivien said...

I wanted to take their part time course, only around 2k right? but don't have the time, wished they have saturday only classes

**Pei Yin** said...

Hi Vivien,
The part time course cost RM2.7k for 18 classes. It's fun, really. And I get to learn a lot of theories which explained why what I did on my own before the classes failed. Hehe..