A trip to Kuala Selangor for Li Xin's deary birthday :)
*the trip was not smooth.. but I had a great time being with you all :) *
Actually there is a few places to 'observe' fireflies in Kuala Selangor.. but I'm too 'tired' and 'blur' to take note of it. I only noticed this and we just follow the sign board. It is 6km, along a small and dark road, after a junction from the main road.
Read if you can. I can't :P
The jacket is so damn damn damn smelly =S
Couldn't take pics of the fireflies :(
But I assure you, they are really nice. *for those who have same 'absent-minded' like me, which mesmerized easily by little things*
They are like christmas tree berkelip kelip =D
Take pics together before the end of our trip :)