At first not really looking forward to convo day. Coz too many things happen around. Got think dont wana attend it also.. Lol.. lucky I didn't rite? Coz it's really a happy day.. haha.. Better than birthday ler.. Birthday also cant collect that much of gifts :p
First of all is thanks to Yong He.. For the superb big and heavy flower. Happy la happy la.. and sorry also coz didnt manage to catch up with you. Was too busy. Pai seh pai seh.. nx time treat you a meal. Really appreciate it for taking your time to come over.
Next is of course Edwin. For cheating me saying that you didnt prepare any gift for me and for not going to be my camera man! Thanks for being an unprofessional camera man and for the bear bear. Love it ^^
And weird one.. from Edwin's mom. His mom is so pretty and so nice and so... nice nice nice!! Haha..
From my own mom. Thanks mom for coming over! ^^ [mom not going to read this]
My honey.. Lay Keng.. Thanks! Really need an album ^^

This is long time ago from Beng beng.. Haven't forget it. Thanks!
My junior, Olivia. She's so pretty hor?! Thanks for coming over and thanks for the bear bear! Love it too ^^
Another bear bear from my long long time buddy, Ivan. How long had it been? 16 years d oh! Since primary 1 till UKM tgthr! Hope next time can work in same place. Haha.. tho you dont want to. And thanks for your evil card! Speechless!
Kok Hou... thanks for the rose and the letter! ^^ I will be good de. Hopefully ^^
Thanks to Bok Yao.. stop saying its a small gift lo. It is not ok?! Appreciate it very much ^^
To the MMU friends.. Yong He, Kheng Kiat and Choon Huat. So happy! Although we just meet once/twice only, but got card from you all ler.. sure is YH force you all to write de rite?! Anyway.. thanks for the wishing ^^
From Chin Wen... specially for me only ler :p
Steven Tan! Thanks for today lunch treat too!
And this is small small gift from me to Edwin.. Need to cam ho with it. Haha..

Edwin's session. I look so teruk d. So tired ar @@

Lastly.. Bye bye UKM!!!
Thanks to Pek Wee, Yunn Yunn, Shu Yen and Pei Wen as well ^^
For those who pics not inside, it's bcoz I haven't get it from the owner of those camera. Will upload when I got it ^^
Convo is not a bad thing after all [except that it is really tiring] ... wana have another convo can or not?! Hehehe..